Mysterium, score

saatavana erikseen. Saatavana myös ensemble-versiona. Full score of the orchestra version. Choral score and instrumental parts are available for sale separately. Available also for ensemble instead of orchestra. ISMN 979-0-55005-908-5…


For any three voices and a bass. Text: ”Repetitio mater studiorum est”. Sävellysvuosi 1993….

A Chinese Song (version B)

Sisältää partituurin ja stemmat. Saatavana myös kokoonpanolle huilu, viulu ja kitara. ISMN 979-0-55013-231-3 Contains score and instrumental parts. Available also for flute, violin and guitar….

Misa a la chilena

Full score. Instrumental parts and a separate choral score are available for sale separately. Musicological research and texts: Camilo Pajuelo Valdez. Produced in cooperation with Trazosonoro. Los editores cuentan con…

Suvivirsi, urut

Urkustemma. Baritonitorven ja sellon stemma sekä partituuri saatavana erikseen. Organ part. Barytone and cello part and score are available for sale separately.


…as effectively and as much as he could. It is widely known that tuberculosis is an illness which makes patients more and more sensible and passionate over time.” ISMN 979-0-55013-409-6…

The Land of Music, score

Versio sekakuorolle ja jousiorkesterille (mukana myös kellopeli ja piano) Version for mixed choir and string orchestra (with glockenspiel and piano) Partituuri – full score Stemmat saatavana erikseen – parts available…

A Chinese Song (version A)

Sisältää partituurin ja stemmat. Saatavana myös kokoonpanolle viulu, sello ja kitara. ISMN 979-0-55013-231-3 Contains score and instrumental parts. Available also for violin, cello and guitar….

The Secrets of the Tapiola Sound DVD

This music pedagogic dvd presents the principles of the voice training and the choir sound creation of the Tapiola Choir as well as their accomplishment and the results. Besides being…

Presto isterico

Presto isterico är den tredje delen av körsvit Musik för manskör. Musik för manskör skrevs till studentkören Brahe Djäknars 60-årsjubileum 1997. Presto isterico on kolmas osa sarjasta Musik…