Sekakuorolaulut (Järnefelt)
Järnefelt Armas20,73€
Songs for Mixed Choir
Complete (known) songs for mixed choir by Armas Järnefelt. The works are a cappella except “Tohmajärven seurakunnan kirkonkellot”, which includes organ, piano and bells ad lib.
Contents: Ajan aallot (Waves of time) * Armahan kulku (Path of beloved) * Gute Ruhe (Good peace) * Isänmaan kasvot (Face of your country) * Kallan Kuoron lippulaulu (Flagsong of Kalla Choir) * Muut ne kuuli kirkonkellon (The others heard the church bell) * Orpo ja lintu (Orphan and bird) * Pois meni merehen päivä (Day sank into sea) * Silloinpa kesä minulla (Then I’ll have summer) * Sunnuntaina (On Sunday) * Suottako Suomi luottaa Luojahansa? (Does Finland rely her God in vain?) * Tohmajärven seurakunnan kirkonkellot (The church bells of the Tohmajärvi parish) * Veneelle tuulta (Wind for boat) * Venelaulu (Boat song) * Wenelaulu (Barcarola)
ISMN 979-0-55010-951-1
Additional information
Composer | Järnefelt Armas |
Text author | various |
Ensemble | SAB - SATB - SATB div. |
Music Style | Classic |
Language | various |
Publisher | Sulasol |
Weight | 172 g |
Categories | Collections, Mixed choir |
Product ID | S1591 |
Page count | 48 |