Iloisia eläinkuvia
Miikkulainen Leena & Sarmanto-Neuvonen Eeva23,37€
Happy Animal Pictures
Happy Animal Pictures is a collection of easy and cheerful compositions for piano. It is suitable for beginners and young players with tunes that are also easy to pick up by ear.
Happy Animal Pictures is an excellent companion to any method of teaching and works well in group tuition.
Contents: Salaperäinen sammakko (Mysterious frog) * Pullea pöllö (Old owl) * Hilpeä hiiri (Merry mouse) * Pilkullinen perhonen (Beautiful butterfly) * Ahkera ampiainen (Busy bee) * Kultainen kettu (Golden fox) * Ketterä kurre (Skinny squirrel) * Pirteä poro (Rapid reindeer) * Harppova hirvi (Mighty moose) * Kiekuva kukko (Cock the cock) * Kaakattava kana (Cheerful chicken) * Avulias ankka (Dancing duck) * Touhukas tikka (Wonderful woodpecker) * Kujeileva kili (Graceful goat) * Villi varsa (Wild foal) * Hyrisevä hyttynen (Miserable mosquito) * Haukkuva koira (Barking dog) * Kehräävät kissanpennut (Kitty-Cats) * Kisailevat koiranpennut (Playing puppies) * Laulujoutsenet (Singing swans)
ISMN 979-0-55010-862-2
Additional information
Composer | Miikkulainen Leena & Sarmanto-Neuvonen Eeva |
Optional name | Happy Animal Pictures |
Ensemble | piano |
Music Style | pedagogy |
Publisher | Sulasol |
Weight | 86 g |
Categories | Instrumental music, Tutors and guides |
Tags | pedagogy |
Product ID | S1862 |
Page count | 28 |