Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht – Jouluyö, juhlayö, score
Gruber Franz8,60€
Silent Night, Holy Night!
This arrangement can be used to support common singing.
Full score. Instrumental parts are available for sale separately (S1851S).
Instrumentation: 2 fl, ob, 3 cl in B, clb, asax, tsax, barsax, bsn, 2 hn, 3 tr in B, 3 trb, bar, tb, timp, perc.
ISMN 979-0-55010-851-6
Additional information
Composer | Gruber Franz |
Text author | Mohr Joseph |
Arranger | Elo Heikki |
Opening words | Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht! - Jouluyö, juhlayö! |
Ensemble | wind band |
Music Style | Christmas |
Publisher | Sulasol |
Weight | 38 g |
Categories | Instrumental music |
Tags | Christmas |
Product ID | S1851 |
Page count | 12 |